Monday, May 30, 2011


I've been enjoying a focused and fun art learning experience in the 21 Secrets: Art Journal Playground, where 21 seasoned artists have met to teach varied aspects of art journaling.  I am learning so much and the teaching is incredible.  The BEST news today is that they're extending the playground dates through the end of the year, and sign-ups may continue to October.  This has been intensely fun and informative.  I'm either learning, re-learning or refining skills long lost beyond my own playground years, like dusting off old volumes of beloved books, finding that I need to make time to play has proved therapeutic.  Hope you get a chance to stop in and join me in the playground sometime!

To TINK ... is to un-KNIT

To TINK ... is to un-KNIT;
the art of undoing - and in the process, becoming undone, an opportunity to re-create...